Creating a leadership brand and position for a specialized hospital system

The market is ready for a new leader in healthcare.

For the last 20 years or so, Americans have been experiencing the “end of an era” in healthcare characterized by increased complexity, chaos and change.  Gone are the one-to-one relationships with family doctors and community hospitals.  Today, multi-siloed hospital corporations provide care determined more by algorithms and protocols than personal interaction.

Despite widespread reform, consumers remain disillusioned: healthcare is becoming more complex, more expensive and many times, inaccessible.  Consumers ache for simplicity and improved access to healthcare.

Coordinated Health—a 27-year-old specialized hospital network that built its offering to address real-world need for simplicity, affordability, and access—is well positioned to cue the start of the new era.

Through process integration and an innovative approach to the “continuum of care,” Coordinated Health maintains a patient-centered approach, with services like same-day appointments, simplified billing, and one electronic medical record.  Furthermore, claims of superior outcomes and safety, patient satisfaction, and lower cost have been widely documented by independent, third-party professional organizations.

An exponential improvement of all who engage.

Placement of the brand mark in an exponential position, practically trademarking the benefit, implies an exponentially “better” experience, from core benefits like quality care, value, and personalization, to “better” individuals, schools, communities, and employers. The use of case studies and testimonials told the stories of how life was improved.

The digital experience presaged better, more accessible care.

A completely redesigned website simplified content, access, and functionality. It became the primary digital access point for patients, schools, employers, and potential employees. The front-end caters to the growing mobile user base. The back-end is customized for rapid updates and an efficient publishing workflow. Copious tracking events assure the site remains a productive tool across the patient experience. Within three months of launching the new site we saw a 23% increase in organic search and 305% increase in online appointments.

Traffic is up and physicians are busier across the system.  Patient visits are up 7% vs YAG and new patients account for 5.3% of the growth.